Welcome to Neptune® 360™

Welcome to Neptune® 360™, Neptune’s elite water utility management platform that provides all the power you need with the flexibility you want. Through Neptune's Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, utilities have access to a solution that is scalable, reliable, and secure. Neptune hosts the application and provides software management-related activities, which frees up utilities to concentrate on providing their consumers clean, safe water.

The built-in reporting in Neptune 360 enables utilities to analyze consumption trends to help consumers with cost-effective water usage solutions. Without the right level of insight, data is just data. By having solid analytics behind accurate data, utilities can make good business decisions around water conservation and still maximize profitability.

The Neptune 360 Dashboard is your go-to tool in the utility management toolbox.


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Pinpoint Network Accuracy

Neptune 360 can troubleshoot issues quickly and effectively. The Dashboard provides snapshots of water consumption for customers within your utility network. See any areas of concern? The map shows you the details for each customer location.

The street view of the location map that shows location pinpoints on various streets and buttons to change the map view to a grid


You can change the map style to review area trends and potential terrain-related issues.

The satellite view of the location map that shows the land terrain and any bodies of water. The map includes links to display the locations for endpoints that experience continuous consumption or major reverse flow. You can also show the locations of the top accounts by consumption.


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Maximize Your Neptune® 360™ Experience

The features of Neptune 360 make it easy to quickly get up and running with the software:

  • Cloud-based platform ensures data is secure and continuously monitored
  • Built-in data analytics provide quick and effective data management and customer response
  • Integrated data enables seamless sharing across utility departments


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Neptune 360 is supported on:

  • Google Chrome.
  • Microsoft Edge (recommended if using touch-screen monitors).
  • Android and iOS devices for Neptune 360 Mobile.


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Navigation Buttons

The Welcome page includes the following buttons to access the specific software function. You can also select the functions from the side menu.

Navigation Button Descriptions
Button Description
The Dashboard icon View system statistics on the dashboard and generate usage reports. 

The Customer Inquiry icon

View customer account and usage data.

The Data Logs icon View data logs uploaded from 360 mobile devices.
The Groups icon View and manage customer groups.

The Billing Services icon

Import and export billing records and view export history.


The Notifications icon

Manage notifications and alerts.


The User Management icon

Add and edit system users.


The Utility Management icon

Add and edit utility account information and data collection devices.

The Route Management icon

View and assign meter readers to routes.

The Reports icon

Run field and endpoint data reports.


The Communication Scheduler icon View and manage communication schedules between endpoints and Neptune 360.


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Use the Search Function

On this window, you can search on the following to display the related customer information:

  1. In the Search By field, select the criteria on which you want to search.

    The Seach By menu options including Account Number, Customer Name, Meter ID/MIU ID, and Address

  1. In the search criteria field, type a partial or full search word or phrase, and then click The Search icon.

The Choose Account dialog box appears.

Choose Account window that shows data for all accounts available to select. Account list may include accounts that are inactive if you select to include them.

  1. Select an account, and then click Ok.

The system displays the account and meter details in both the left and right window panels. A pin drop icon shows the account's physical location on the map. You can hover over the icon to display account location details (The Pindrop icon).

Related Topics Link IconSee Also


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